Tag Archive for 'jasmine'


Too late to Apologize

This is what happens when you hand over the camera to my kids for a few minutes.



The more videos I do for VloMo08, the more I realize that I love the concept of tapeless recording. The biggest benefit is that it’s much faster to transfer video to the the computer. That makes it less of a burden to get stuff out. Unfortunately I don’t have a great camera like that. Some day.

For now, here’s a quick video of one of our rituals. My wife combing my daughters hair.


Kids welding at San Mateo Maker Faire 2008

I went with the kids to Maker Faire this year and it was a blast. If you have kids I highly recommend it. Where else can you get a chance to do arc welding?

There was a group of people there presenting a large metal sculpture they built of a woman with her hands outstretched. Every so often the sculpture would burtst into flames that originated from her beating heart. These same folks were doing demonstrations of arc welding and invited kids to come and try it themselves. My kids joined in the fun and got a great experience out of it.


California State Fair

This is my second video for VloMo08. I have to produce one video per day in the month of November. I’m digging through unpublished video and cobbling stuff together at this point. Daily video is a bitch when you care about the quality of the video and you want to leave an impression. The key to getting it done however is not really worrying about it.

This video taken on my Canon SD900 digital camera. The same one used in the previous Halloween video. We had gone to the California State Fair with the family. I try to stay clear of rides and anything moving faster than an elevator. Jasmine on the other hand, we soon discovered, was an adrenaline junkie. Who knew?